May not be taken once in a declared Computer Science Honours, Joint Honours, or Major program. This program is suitable for those students interested in combining a fairly extensive program in Computer Science with broad coverage of another subject or subjects of their choice (Science or non-Science). Admission to graduate programs may be conditional upon completion of additional courses.
- When the patent ends, other companies are allowed to make and sell their own version of the drug.
- It generally takes longer for the benefit to be paid out through the estate.
- If you should terminate employment you may convert to an individual health plan currently offered by the insurer, provided that application is made within 60 days following your date of termination.
- (When searching for courses in Aurora, students may search Course Attributes for courses that satisfy the written English and Mathematics requirements).
- Similarly, in matrilocal residence systems, where it is customary for the husband to live with his wife’s blood relatives (or her family of orientation), the husband can feel disconnected and can be labelled as an outsider.
- The amount of the individual policy where no medical examination is taken may be any amount up to the amount of coverage combined (maximum $200,000) in force at the time your group coverage ends.
Out-of-country non-emergency coverage
This chapter contains the regulations and requirements that apply to all students, regardless of faculty or school. Students admitted into the Co-operative Education Option will complete pre-employment training, including workshops, prior to the start of their first co-op work term. The structure and content of this training is developed by the Science Co-op Office. To enter the Co-operative Education Option a student must be eligible to enter the Major or Honours program offered by the department.
Compensation Program
Just like any individual, sex workers should be treated fairly and should not be discriminated. Not everyone understands the responsibilities of sex workers’ CRA taxes. If you are a Canadian citizen who is planning to enter the sex industry or become an OnlyFans model, it is best to contact Faris CPA first. Our proficient and experienced OnlyFans Tax specialists are here to help you with specific tax questions, tax planning, unfiled returns, audits and accounting. For sex workers in Canada who are operating as sole proprietors, it is important to file the Canadian T1 General Income Tax Return.
Boost your Physical Activity time by:
A biosimilar drug is a highly similar version of an originator biologic drug. When a company develops a new biologic drug (an originator), that company has the sole right to make and sell the drug for a certain period of time. After that period ends, other companies can start producing their own version of the biologic drug. The version of the biologic drug that other companies produce is the biosimilar drug.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccines
The drug is included in specialty drug program and the prior authorization program. If you anticipate submitting a claim for a drug that requires prior authorization, take the appropriate prior authorization form to your doctor’s appointment. Canada Life maintains a limited prior authorization drug list with corresponding forms. An unexpected episode means it would not have been reasonable to expect the episode to occur while travelling outside of Canada. X-rays taken, and drugs, medicines or supplies recommended and prescribed by a massage therapist are not covered.
Orthodontic services
Employees are encouraged to contact the Office of Human Rights and Conflict Management with any concerns. Employees should advise HR immediately if there is any change in personal data, such as name change, address or telephone number. The university has the right to manage its affairs subject to the limitations of this handbook. HR has the responsibility to monitor the effectiveness of current practices and recommend changes if necessary. Welcome to the employee handbook for the Professional Administrative Group at Laurier!
What’s the Low Cost Alternative (LCA) program?
Students planning a return to studies are strongly urged to contact an Advisor well in advance of the start of registration. Students who have successfully completed a first degree from a recognized university program with a Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.00 or better are eligible for admission as Special Students. Work assignment in business, industry, or government for students registered in the Computer Science Cooperative Option. Requires submission of a written report covering the work completed during the four-month professional assignment (Pass/Fail). Requires submission of a written report covering the work completed during the four-month professional assignment. Data representation and manipulation, machine-level representation of programs, assembly language programming, and basic computer architecture.

Computer Science, B.Sc. Major
Nearly 3 in 10 stated that they had been abused more than 10 times prior to reporting (Statistics Canada, 2011). The rate of self-reported IPV for Aboriginal women is about 2.5 times higher than for non-Aboriginal women (Sinha, 2013). Nearly 6 in 10 Aboriginal women reported injury as a result of IPV compared to 4 in 10 non-Aboriginal women.
How does disability insurance work?
However, between 1893 and 1951, the paylists contained the names of the other members of a band. Enfranchisement meant losing legal identity as an “Indian” in the eyes of the government to become a full Canadian citizen, with all the rights and privileges attached. This process was enshrined in the Indian Act of 1876, which consolidated several pieces of colonial legislation in force at the time.
Receiving professional home and community care services
Your extended health and dental coverage and life insurance plans end on the last day of the month of layoff. Benefits coverage can be continued for six months following the month of layoff if you apply to continue coverage and pay the premiums. Visit Benefits while on leave or layoff on Careers & MyHR for more information. The employees will receive regular pay for the time lost, up to a maximum of five consecutive working days. For a non-immediate family member (defined as mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandchild, grandmother and grandfather, grandparent of spouse) payment will not exceed three days. A leave of absence of one day with pay may be granted if the employee is unable to attend the funeral of a member of the immediate family because of distance but require the day to make funeral arrangements and/or to attend a local service.
To apply
The functionalist Talcott Parsons (1943) emphasized that in each family, there is a division of labour that consists of instrumental and expressive roles. Men tend to assume the instrumental roles in the family, which typically involve work outside of the family that provides financial support and establishes family status. Women tend to assume the expressive roles, which typically involve work inside of the family, which provides emotional support and physical care for children (Crano and Aronoff, 1978). According to functionalists, the differentiation of the roles on the basis of sex ensures that families are well-balanced and coordinated. Each family member is seen as performing a specific role and function to maintain the functioning of the family as a whole.
It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they are eligible for a laboratory exemption. If they register for one of these courses and it is subsequently determined that they are not entitled to exemption, they will be required to register for a laboratory section. If no space remains available in the laboratory, they will be required to withdraw from the course. Students unable to write a final examination because of illness, disability, or for compassionate reasons, must file an application with the Faculty of Science general office for a deferred examination. The application must be filed within 48 hours of the missed examination. In a case where more than one examination is missed, students must apply within 48 hours of the scheduled date of the last exam.
In Canada, the total divorce rate figure reached a high of 50.6% in 1987, after the Divorce Act was amended to allow divorces after just one year of separation (rather than the mandatory three years previously). Since then, the total divorce rate has remained steady at between 35% and 42%. In 2008, 40.7% of marriages were projected to end before their 30th anniversary (Employment and Social Development Canada, 2014a). This statistic has made many people cynical when it comes to marriage, but it is misleading.
Auditing students must register by contacting the Faculty of Science General Office. Students given permission to audit a course will be registered in their course(s) after the initial access period for registration. Investigation of today’s modern computer architecture and system design concepts, including requirements, specifications, and implementation. Instruction sets, instruction-level parallelism, speculative execution, multi-threaded architectures, memory hierarchy, multiprocessors, storage design and implementation, and interconnection networks.
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- Each academic term and each co-op work term will commence in January, May or September.
- Once approved, you can send in the form to Canada Life to get a pricing exception and full coverage, to plan limits, for your non-reference RDP drug.
- There are no limitations or restrictions on employee basic life claims for eligible employees under age 65 or eligible retired employees under age 65, except as under accidental dismemberment and loss of sight.
- The Supreme Court ruling stated that teachers and parents can use reasonable corrective force against children between the ages of 2 and 12 years old as long as the force is “minor” and of “a transitory and trifling nature” (CBC News, 2004).
- For the duration of such disability without further premium payment up to your attainment of age 65, recovery or death.
That sentiment is also reflected in the finding that when both partners of a married couple have been previously divorced, their marriage is 90% more likely to end in divorce (Wolfinger, 2005). When considering the role of family in society, functionalists uphold the notion that families are an important social institution and that they play a key role in stabilizing society. They also note that family members take on status roles in a marriage or family.
If you have no dependents eligible for the education benefit, the insurer shall pay an additional amount of $1,000 to the designated beneficiary. Air Travel AccidentsIf you are traveling as a passenger or as a crew member in an aircraft properly licensed and flown by a pilot properly certified to fly such aircraft, you are entitled to the benefits described herein. The information contained in this website is important to you and we suggest it be kept in a safe place.When your insurance terminates you must return your identification card(s) to your Administrator.
- The Government of Saskatchewan does not warrant the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of any information translated by this system.
- You are covered for accidental death occurring anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day while travelling on authorized University business.
- You are automatically the beneficiary for Spouse Optional Life Insurance.
- Whether you are a small-time sex worker or one who has already made a mark in the sex industry, you need to pay taxes for the earnings from your sex work or OnlyFans account.
- As the structure of family changes over time, so do the challenges families face.
How well the vaccine works
These will give you more information about the service and our confidentiality policy. Retirees will pay 15% of the monthly premiums for the post-retirement benefits for eligible retirees. An employee who has postponed retirement, and who has elected to continue to make contributions during the postponed period, will have pension benefits calculated in the same manner as at normal retirement. Professional Administrative Group employees are paid an annual salary, on a bi-weekly basis. The salaries are based on the Professional Administrative Group Salary Grid which consists of eight salary levels ranging from A to H.
In creating an inclusive definition, we should also consider variations, such as whether a formal legal union is required (think of common-law marriage and its equivalents), or whether more than two people can be involved (consider polygamy). Other variations on the definition of marriage might include whether spouses are of opposite sexes or the same sex, and how one of the traditional expectations of marriage (to produce children) is understood today. Optional employee and optional spouse life insurance benefits are not paid if the insured person (you or your spouse) commits suicide within two years after optional life insurance takes effect or increases. The beneficiary will receive a refund of the premiums paid for that insurance. Residents with the cost of eligible prescription drugs, even if you have private drug coverage through the BC Public Service extended health plan.
It is estimated that 1 in 4 women has experienced some form of IPV in her lifetime (compared to 1 in 7 men) (Catalano, 2007). In 2011, women in Canada had more than double the risk of men of becoming a victim of police-reported family violence (Sinha, 2012). IPV often starts as emotional abuse and then escalates to other forms or combinations of abuse (Centers for Disease Control, 2012). Parsons argued that the result of this division was strain in relation to the patterning of sex roles. While men became narrow instrumental specialists, incapable of a full expressive life, women turned “neurotically” to expressive tasks to create a functional equivalent to demonstrate their skills and fundamental equality to their husbands. On the other hand, critical perspectives emphasize the inequalities and power relations within the family and their relationship to inequality in the wider society.
Employee accidents resulting in a visit to a health care professional must be received by SHERM within 24 hours of the accident. Laurier is a wonderful place to work, with collaborative people who work in a collegial and supportive manner. We are passionate about Inspiring Lives of Leadership and Purpose amongst our students, alumni, faculty and staff.
Children under the age of 19, who are able to understand the benefits and possible reactions for each vaccine and the risk of not getting immunized, can legally consent to or refuse immunizations. For more information on mature minor consent see HealthLinkBC File #119 The Infants Act, mature minor consent and immunization. This means that your condition requires immediate medical attention to relieve acute pain and suffering (covered at 100% of what a provider charges in Ontario to the same overall maximum and terms as under OHIP, and excludes ambulances). You are required to have health insurance while you are pursuing your degree in Ontario. To check if your coverage will be valid during your schedule break, contact [email protected].
If you purchase three units of $25,000 for your spouse, your spouse’s principal sum is $75,000. Loss of use means total and irrecoverable loss of the ability to perform every action the arm, leg or hand was Telefonsex anal, Telefon Sex anal, ruf an! able to perform before the accident occurred, beyond correction by surgical or other means. Benefits will not be paid for loss of use of the same arm, leg or hand for which loss by dismemberment is paid.
However, for reasons related to the small size of the intersex population and the challenges in identifying intersex people, Statistics Canada does not currently collect specific information on intersex people in Canada. The 2021 Census release on families, households and marital status, which will take place on July 13, 2022, will include analysis and data tables on couples. In particular, there will be analysis of same-gender and different-gender couples, as well as couples composed of at least one transgender person or at least one non-binary person. Using crowdsourced data collection, Statistics Canada found important gender differences in the self-perceived mental health of individuals in Canada during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. About two-thirds (68%) of non-binary participants reported fair or poor mental health, compared with just over one-quarter (26%) of women and just over one-fifth (21%) of men who participated in the crowdsource initiative.
Once the three terms of Limited Access has expired, any student wishing to repeat a course must request permission to do so from the Faculty of Science General Office prior to registration. Limited Access applies for three consecutive terms following the term that the course in question was last completed or voluntarily withdrawn (VW). If a student has previously taken a course and received a final grade, or voluntarily withdrawn from the course (VW)1, any future attempt to take that course or its equivalent is considered a repeated course. The responsibility for initiating withdrawals rests solely with the student. When eligible to do so, Voluntary Withdrawals must be done through Aurora Student. No withdrawals will be permitted after the deadlines posted in the Academic Schedule.
Students who do not qualify for a specific Major or Honours program will be required to move into the B.Sc. Students who wish to be in a Major or Honours program but did not qualify can complete the outstanding requirements while in the B.Sc. General degree program and enter the program upon completion of the requirements. A student must complete 90 credit hours with passing grades (“D” or better) in each course.